PRESS RELEASE: Port of Centralia Receives Additional $1.7 Million from State Transportation Budget to Complete Centralia Station Infrastructure


For more information contact:

Port of Centralia
Kyle Heaton, Executive Director
Phone:  (360) 736-3527
Email:   [email protected]

The Port of Centralia announced that the Washington State legislature has included an additional $1.7 million to complete infrastructure for the Centralia Station project. The gap funding will help cover cost increases due to delays relating to the COVID- 19 pandemic. The funding is part of the newly passed $17 billion “Move Ahead Washington” transportation budget passed on March 10, 2022.

Port of Centralia President Kyle Markstrom stated, “The Port would like to thank the 20th District delegation for their support of the Port’s job creation efforts. We are truly fortunate to have the representation and advocacy our delegation brings to the table. We would like to especially thank Senator Braun for his leadership and perseverance in seeing that this critical project is funded and completed.”

Port of Centralia Executive Director Kyle Heaton stated, “We appreciate this support as we move into the construction phase for Centralia Station. The Port expects to bid the Yew Street extension very shortly with construction of a new interchange ramp to immediately follow once final federal agency review is complete. When completed, these improvements will allow for the Port to move forward with an anchor tenant and begin the long-awaited site development process.”

Conceived in 2010, Centralia Station will include retail, commercial and light industrial businesses when completed. Centralia Station is projected to create over 500 permanent jobs, produce over $118 million in annual sales and generate over $7 million annually in state and local taxes.

Founded in 1986, the Port of Founded in 1986, the Port of Centralia operates two industrial parks and one planned mixed-use development that provide over 2,100 jobs to the local community. The Port’s over 30 tenants include Sierra Pacific Industries, Michael’s, UNFI, and Dick’s Brewing Company.

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